TOP 11 meus passeios preferidos em Londres

1) Ver as coisas loucas de Camden Town

Camden Town é talvez meu lugar preferido na cidade. Famoso por ter sido a casa de Amy Winehouse, o bairro mais cool de Londres oferece pubs, restaurantes e um mercado muito legal em que você encontra roupas, itens de decoração, aleatoriedades e até drogas. As fachadas das lojas são muito elaboradas e não é difícil ver piercings, tatuagens, roupas punk e artistas de rua por ali.

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What you should eat in Rio de Janeiro

Hi, guys! Today I will talk about what I think you should eat in Brazil or Rio de Janeiro. We are well-known for our good food and our variety.  I would venture to say that in Brazil you will find any kind of food, our land is amazing for vegetables, fruits, grains and and my country welcomed immigrants from all over the world in its history so is easy to find typical food from other countries as our own. But today we will talk about the food we eat in our daily life in Rio and I think you should try once in here.

Oh, each state in Brazil has a different kind of food, I will talk about  the food from Rio or from other states in Brazil that we eat here, but know it has much more, Brazil is giant :)


Biscoito Globo is a icon of Rio de Janeiro, is really popular among us and became one of the “faces of Rio”, you will find it on patterns and souvenirs. I love it! Eat biscoito globo is almost an obligation if you are on the beach, especially with Mate (we will talk about it on “what should I drink in Rio” post). I don’t know how to describe it so you will have to taste and help me, ok? haha. Top #1 in Rio’s way of life.

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Where to eat in Rio de Janeiro: fast-food, healthy or not

Hi, guys! I am super excited to start this series on the blog about my city, Rio de Janeiro, in english to help you on your research to come and visit us. Of course, I am going to work extra hard to give you all tips that I think that would help you before the Olympic games Rio 2016. Please, feel free to ask your questions on the comments below or send me an email ([email protected]). I am not a tourist guide, but I live here so I think I may have useful information :)

The first thing I always look for when I am going to a different city is where I can eat considering a low budget. As a backpacker, I really value good food for a fair price, so let’s start talk about where to eat in Rio de Janeiro, considering low price and good/safe food. If you like this kind of post, I can write another one about my fav restaurants (and more expensive) in the city.

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